Taonga -Babies (3 Months – 1 Year)

Daily Program

Taonga provides your child with individualised care in a safe, nurturing and responsive environment where your child has the freedom to learn, grow and explore our fantastic natural indoor and outdoor learning environments.

Our experienced and dedicated teachers pay special attention to your child’s developing interests with experiences provided each day that are carefully selected to foster their interest and support their holistic development.

Special Infant Area

We have a specialist infant area that is safe and secure from our curious toddlers. We believe in natural movement in all aspects of your baby’s day. This means that we will not put your baby into equipment such as highchairs, or bouncers that he or she cannot get into by independent means.

Daily Summaries

Each day you will receive a summary of your child’s day and what has been happening. This will include things like how much your child has eaten, how long they slept for and toileting information. We will also let you know about all the fun and exciting learning experiences your child has had during the day.